PT. SGL has used the connection the Business level by using a connection cable "Fiber Optic" with high-speed, supported by a trusted provider in order to support the smooth connectivity between branch offices PT. SGL both within the city of Jakarta and which is outside the city of Jakarta.
Fiber Optic Connection
Business System
Oriented to customer satisfaction, so we chose to use the "SAP Business System" as a provider of the data processing and it's a high support value added for us in order to maintain the smoothness and ease of business process PT. SGL who tried always to maintain the trust and quality that we provide to customers.
SAP Business System
Server PT. SGL
An important role in a company is to assess and maintain the quality of the operational lanes with electronic devices, either software or hardware. With the continuous development of information technology, PT. SGL has met the quality and maintain smooth performance with multiple servers that support aspects for each - each needs, "Server Active Directory", "Storage Server", "Business Server System", and "Terminal Server". And also have multiple servers in each branch office with a centralized connection.
Server Room
PT. SGL has facilitated in terms of security with CCTV 24-hour online access at any point either in the office, the warehouse area, area of loading and unloading area in order to maintain security of assets the company and in order to provide better comfort employees and customers.
CCTV Online
PT. SGL also facilitates employees and gives freedom in running their worship in accordance with their beliefs and beliefs, and one of them is the Mosque facilities for Muslims in facilitating their worship.
Parking Area
For the sake of comfort in the working environment of PT. SGL with high mobility, it needs a parking area that is comfortable and safe for employees without disrupting the business process and does not cause concern for employees or punerian who use the facility.
Parking Area
Car Parking Area
Car parking facilities for employees and guests during a visit to PT. SGL in the special area that has been provided.
Management Parking Area | Visitors Parking Area |
Security PT. SGL
In addition to "CCTV Camera" PT. SGL is also equipped with Security personnel to maximize security in all areas of PT. SGL.
POS-1 | POS-2 |
Strategic location
PT. SGL has a strategic location located in North Jakarta right in the Industrial Area, close to Tanjung Priok Port, Toll Road Access, Tanjung Priok Toll Road, and East Linkar Toll Road.
PT. SGL on Maps